
Video Production & Postproduction at your service

Motion Graphics & CGI

Creator of quality designs and thinker of fresh ideas.

Motion graphic and CGI are two of the most requested services here at RenderFilm. Our experience is combined with a cutting-edge technology to reach the highest levels of quality. Accordingly on the nature of the work, a project may be developed entirely by our design department.

VFX & 3D

We were simply born to paint pixels for a living

Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. A small river named Duden flows by their place and supplies it with the necessary regelialia

Book this space


Our studio fits all the need of a high-end production. With its 800 m² and 4 m wide driveway, the studio is able to accommodate huge sets with different scenographies.


Inside the studio facilities there is a complete white cyclorama which can be painted upon request for chroma key shots purposes. The floor surface can also be used for build different sets with different scenographies, allowing multiple shooting on the same day.


We provide all the necessary to let the make-up artists and the hairdressers work on models and actors. A proper room is dedicated. Running water, mirrors, benches and power plugs are available. All the professionals can be hired upon request.


We provide all the gear your production might need, from the latest camera to all the lighting equipment. DRK has chosen ARRI as main equipment supplier.


Part of our work is focused on food advertising, for this reason one of our priority designing the studio was to have a full furnished kitchen close to the set, where our food stylists have the chance to work freely.


Realizing several productions in a week requires a whole crew of scenographers, carpenters, painters and decorators who build different sets to meet the screenplay directions. Create the perfect set is the first step for the best shot and to exceed clients’ expectation.

Drop us a line with your project ideas. We will take care of them!

Let's create something amazing!